The Arabic language is considered to be the world’s fourth most spoken language around the world with speakers of around two hundred million people. With the Arabic language, an individual can easily understand the holy book of Islam the “Quran”, and it is the maximum spoken in Muslim countries. The Arabic language has many different sublanguages, but the Arabic languages are highly used in the “Quran”, classical Arabic, which has been modified as ‘Modern Standard Arabic’ and it also used in newspapers, books, television as well as in radio and in the Mosques
Career- Crafters offers coaching for Two levels of Arabic Language
This course is taught in Arabic and English. Our program aims to develop the four language skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing as well as cultural awareness. It provides a good balance between understanding the culture, vocabulary, writing system and grammar structures of the Arabic language and enhancing communication and interaction.
Grammar, vocabulary, and various speech acts. Writing Small texts like self introduction, about one’s family and friends, description of places, objects etc. The course material will include some topics related to Arabic culture and society.